Home Money & Finance The 8 Handy Tips to Know Before You Borrow Money Online

The 8 Handy Tips to Know Before You Borrow Money Online

by Olufisayo
Borrow Money Online

How can you borrow money safely online? Well, this is the question you need to consider whenever you intend to apply for any loan. You need to be careful not to fall for scammers. Dealing with a reputable lender is the most appropriate and safest way of borrowing money online. It is also important to pay attention to red flags. Borrowing money online involves two main risks.

Firstly, you can lose money. This is the major risk you need to avoid. In most cases, scammers establish a shop and ask for fees in order to approve your loan. In the end, you do not get what you have already paid for. Secondly, there is the risk of paying more than necessary. While you get the loan you want, you may end up paying too much information of interest and fees. Good lenders will offer you the very same loan at lower fees.

Borrow Money Online

Technological advancement has simplified things. Across the world, people are happy with transacting online these days than ever before. What about applying for a loan online? Even though the internet has made it easy to borrow money online, this is a risky move because it involves giving sensitive personal information. And it is even more challenging because you are giving information to someone you do know, and perhaps you negotiate large sums of money. While there are so many online lenders like Bugis Credit who can offer you affordable rates its worth a check if the lending institution is legit as the risks involved are also high.

Stealing online happens and you should be careful to avoid being a victim. You may give your personal information to thieves claiming to be agents of loan companies, or you simply give information to websites which do not safeguard it, even if their intention is not to con you. The information often needed in loan application forms are critical and can be used to snip your identity. In addition, it is sad to take time trying to seek approval from fake lenders. Spending time on applications and making follow-ups on something that do not exist is losing as well. Having said that, it is important to deal with online applications seriously and carefully.

What to Know Before Borrowing Money Online?

In light of the above, you need to do all it takes to identify a legitimate loan company. You do not need con artists attempting to steal rather than giving. This section highlights the basic things you need to know before borrowing money online. It is our hope that these tips will be a strong defense against theft for you. We begin…

  • Know the right lenders. If you deal with a legit lender, you will shield yourself from most of the problems. But how can you identify the right lender? Always look for information about the lender you intend to deal with. The best way of gauging the legitimacy of lenders is looking at reviews from their previous clients. Keep in mind that many things you see on the internet are far from the truth, and it is the same thing with reviews. You may be relying on reviews from companies’ workers or even con artists. Accept referrals from the companies you really know to be genuine and have confidence in. you can ask friends or family members of the lenders they have worked with before and their experiences.
  • Make security your top priority. As mentioned earlier, some of the information required in the loan application is critical enough to steal your identity. Do not give information about your personal financial status to online companies unless you know them very well. Additionally, avoid giving your bank numbers, social security number and other important information to online lenders you know little about. Make sure you go through fine prints.
  • Payday loans are too expensive and you should only consider them when it is absolutely necessary. The APRs on them can go up to 650% and they are supposed to be due in the next payday. In most cases, customers lack enough time to get the funds needed to repay the loan. While the lenders may offer you a chance to renew the loan, the provision comes with additional costs. Besides, the fact that your checking account credentials are needed for approval makes them very risky. It can be so difficult to get out of these loans once you subscribe to them. Avoid them completely.
  • Peer to peer online lenders always has better terms and rates. They often give microloans to clients and therefore the loan amount may not be that large. Nevertheless, the fact that they offer better terms and rates compared to banks and credit cards makes them better choices.
  • Borrow wisely. A wise borrowing means you only apply for the amount that you need rather than what you qualify for. Do not borrow too much as this may give you challenges when it comes to repaying. Remember lenders are in the business and would want to offer you the largest loan you qualify for based on their calculations and your level of income. However, borrowing the maximum is not a nice idea and will definitely cost you too much.
  • Avoid unlicensed lenders. The federal laws require all the loan companies to be registered in the State they operate. But they may opt to lend and collect fees whenever they want. Make sure the company you intend to deal with is authorized to carry out business in your area. A trustworthy and reputable lender will not forget registration.
  • Be aware of illegal practices. Some lenders may want to take advantage of clients who desperately need funds. For instance, they may charge very high-interest rates beyond what your State allows. In addition, they may break the laws on how debt collections are supposed to do. Look for information on how a lender you want to borrow from conduct business in this regard.
  • Be acquainted with red flags. Look at how lenders conduct themselves before giving out your personal information or money. The following are the common red flags and if you see any, just look for a different source:

1. Up-front fees. A trustworthy lender does not ask for up-front fees. This is a scam that has been used for long to defraud desperate borrowers, claiming that a fee is required in order to process your application.

2. Guaranteed approval. Lenders are in business and need to profit just like others. There is no way they can just lend to anyone.

3. Send funds by wire or through western union. The reason why you are applying for a loan is that you need money- why then should you send money? It is illogic. It is true some there are some loans that need legit fees. Nevertheless, applicants are always required to pay via checks or through credit cards.

4. Fake names. Scammers know how important first impression is and often come up with intriguing official names. Be watchful.


Online loans can be very helpful when you need money urgently. However, you need to be careful to avoid being conned. Avoid very expensive loans such as payday loans and car title loans. They may only worsen your financial condition. Be aware of red flags when you are applying for loans online to safeguard yourself and your money from scammers.

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