Home Marketing 5 Promotional Events Where You Can Use Custom Printed Drinking Bottles

5 Promotional Events Where You Can Use Custom Printed Drinking Bottles

by Olufisayo
Custom Printed Drinking Bottles

As an entrepreneur, you need to rely on creative ways to promote your business offering. Investing in customised giveaways that your representatives can handover in-person to potential clients is a worthwhile branding strategy.

Custom printing drinking bottles allows for mobility and effectively creates brand awareness. When sourced from stores like customgear.com.au, you are given an endless choice for this useful branding merchandise.

Popular Advertising Tool

It pays to publicise your business venture as well-conceived marketing strategies create awareness and positively impact your sales. Providing exceptional services or building an effective product from scratch is insufficient to survive in a competitive environment.

Listed here are compelling reasons to invest in custom printed drinking bottles:

  • Quality bottles are reusable, last long, and serve as a mobile form of advertising.
  • Making a one-time investment works out cheaper than advertising on television, radio, print, or digital platforms.
  • When made from recyclable material, branded drinking bottles prove eco-friendly.
  • You can choose from striking designs available in aluminium, glass, and stainless steel.
  • Drinking bottles are portable and can be used while travelling, at work, or while in the gym.
  • It gives you a wider area to advertise and create the maximum impact.

Information You May Include

The inputs suggested here are worth incorporating on your promotional drinking bottles:

  • Brand logo
  • Official webpage address
  • Motto or tagline
  • Corporate address
  • Your company email address and contact numbers

Handy Giveaway at Promotional Events

Invest in custom printed drinking bottles to hand out at the following five promotional events:

Trade Shows

Trade show visitors are on the look-out for reputed and reliable brands to fulfil their numerous needs as they stop by the many booths present. When you hand them a complimentary branded bottle filled with water or a healthy drink, it quenches their thirst while roaming around for hours.

Charity Runs or Walks

Participants at such events need constant hydration, and your promotional sports bottles serve their purpose. As your representatives distribute the same, your branding effectively grabs the attention of organisers and spectators alike. The participants will also acknowledge this thoughtful gesture.

Summer Camps

Your branded bottles in vibrant colours will entice kids to participate in camps and other enrichment programs enthusiastically. In this manner, you can indirectly reach out to their parents, who will be touched by your practical initiative and concern for their children.

Events Promoting Environmental Causes

The reusable and eco-friendly drinking bottles available at stores are perfect giveaways at events that actively promote environmental causes. They reiterate the message the organisers intend to communicate. The recipients of your promotional bottles will be left impressed, knowing you run a socially responsible entity.

Local Community Events

When you own a small venture that offers a community-based service, freely distributing custom printed bottles allows you to reach out to those you intend to serve.

It raises awareness about your brand and earns you the trust of potential clientele. Local fundraisers, fairs, parades, competitions, and other community events are perfect to win over your target audience with a complimentary token.

Promote your brand effectively by partnering with a reputed branded merchandise specialist capable of surpassing your expectations.

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1 comment

Shafique January 5, 2021 - 6:51 AM

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