Home Marketing Creative Marketing Ideas: 8 Business Boosting Marketing Ideas You Haven’t Tried

Creative Marketing Ideas: 8 Business Boosting Marketing Ideas You Haven’t Tried

by Olufisayo
8 Business Boosting Marketing Ideas You Haven’t Tried

Marketing your small start-up business can be difficult especially if you haven’t got a budget to match your ambitions but the world of marketing is changing, and more and more creative marketing ideas and strategies are coming to light, allowing businesses of all sizes to tap into new methods of promotion and new sources of revenue.

We’ve compiled 8 of the best/great/new marketing ideas, some of which may already be in your strategy and others that you’ll be chomping at the bit to incorporate into your small business!

Related: 8 Good Sources of Business Ideas
Related: Five Things to Keep In Mind Before You Start Your Own Business

marketing ideas for small business

Online Demos

Whilst television and radio advertisements cost big bucks in the business world, the internet has given start-up business owners the power to promote their business and its services or products just as well for a fraction of the price.

Setting up your own Youtube channel and creating live demonstrations for all your products is a cheap and easy way to market your business to the masses.

It costs nothing to upload your video but a well thought out, creative video addition could go viral and reach millions of potential customers. If you are a service based start-up then creating informative advice videos or podcasts that play on your industry expertise may be the way to go.

Join the Twitterati

Twitter is a social network that often goes untouched by many small businesses but its format provides owners with the perfect platform to promote. Dedicate some time to getting to grips with the joys of Twitter and update your account regularly to reach fellow social sharers with your business-driven and customer-focused tweets. Facebook also makes an excellent addition to a social media marketing strategy, so if you haven’t already, start a Facebook page and interact!

Related: How to Promote Your Company in the 21st Century

Embrace Smartphone Technology

Smartphones are becoming more sophisticated by the day and are a must-have for almost everyone so why not use this simple fact to get your business noticed? Mobile phone advertising campaigns are becoming an effective tool in promotion, you can reach the people that matter using a targeted campaign that sends need to know information straight to their handsets via promotional text messages and voicemails.

Latch Onto Those Buzzwords

Embracing the latest and greatest movements and trends can really push your business into the public eye. Keeping on point with what’s going on in your particular industry and the wider world can be utilised to your advantage. Take organic food as an example, this trend has gripped society in their search for the body beautiful, adapting your product and its labelling can help you profit from this long running trend.

Everyone Loves a Freebie

Giveaways are a quick and easy way of gaining public trust and getting your brand noticed, after all everyone loves a freebie! Best of all, you don’t have to spend a fortune to buy your prizes, instead focus on funny gifts, rather than extravagant ones.  Giveaways can also be incorporated into your social media marketing strategy with free tools like Competwition allowing you to get more followers and widen your business reach.

Free workshops and seminars also provide a very different giveaway that is relevant to your business; educate and inform fellow industry leaders and potential customers about your product or service to boost business. These events can also be conducted online in the form of a webinar. You can give speeches on your status as a start-up at careers, education and business events to put your company on the map locally and regionally.

Award to Gain Rewards

Using your business to host an industry event is highly recommended; annual award shows, of which you are the sponsor, provide the perfect promotional platform for your brand as well as the opportunity to mix with the wider industry and become a trusted partner in the eyes of the customer.

These events almost always get a few column inches too, with national, regional and local publications all being willing to publicise your event. Rewarding customers can also encourage loyalty, why not put one of your customers in the spotlight with a ‘Customer of the Month’ initiative?

Offer the Complete Package

Teaming up with a non-competing business is also a great way to access a new stream of customers as well as grow connections industry-wide. Devising a promotional package with a company that provide the next step or first step of your service or product can be beneficial for all and you can gain the edge in comparison to your competitors.

Become a Blogger

Whilst this isn’t a new concept, it is one that is often overlooked by busy start-up businesses that simply don’t have the time to create and publish regular posts. An on-site company blog however is worth the time and the effort, and is an affordable way to get not just your content out there, but the bigger brand.

Related: The Power of You in Your Small Business!

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