Home Business Why Branding Isn’t All About the Logo but Much More

Why Branding Isn’t All About the Logo but Much More

by Olufisayo
Branding Isn’t All About the Logo

A logo is the way that consumers identify your brand by sight.

The way that the brand is presented and perceived is more of what branding is all about. A logo only goes so far and is an important part of the branding process. Your brand has to have definition, presence and can’t get lost in a world of similar businesses.

In essence, what you need to do is be able to stand out and be recognisable.

Branding Isn’t All About the Logo


The way that a business is marketed is very important. Not only do you need Internet media but you also need print media. Print media is physical literature such as an advertisement in a local newspaper or sending out a sales sheet to postal customers. The design of print media is a key element to helping your business see more customers coming through the door or visiting your website. It is ideal to use a print media service, such as www.print-print.co.uk, to help design the layout and provide enough copies for distribution.

Reputation is everything

Without a glowing reputation, a business is destined to fail. This means that you have to be able to provide what consumers want, be friendly and always be willing to help customers. You also have to be able to offer a product or service that they need. Without this, you are just saying that you’re here and if you are interested, contact us. To build a reputation, an online presence is a must in today’s day and age.

The content provided must always be fresh and there must be actual testimonials and reviews, both positive and negative, from consumers. It is ideal to allow some negative feedback to be viewable, because you are not going to be able to please everyone that is just a simple fact. Minor negative feedback that is displayed with a positive response from your business that is directed toward the comment in an effort to rectify the situation with specifics regarding that situation is beneficial.

Branding Isn’t All About the Logo

Word of Mouth Travels Far

Word of mouth travels much farther than a print or media advert. What customers have to say about your business is the truth. The fact of the matter is a consumer is not going to endorse or subject another to a poor product or service so it is best to maintain a positive reputation to continually grow your business. The idea is to rise above the competition and go above and beyond to ensure that every customer leaves satisfied.

Define your Brand

Defining your brand is more than giving it a name and explaining what you do. Definition is making a strong mission statement or promise to consumers regarding what you have to offer as a company. It is also how strongly you stand behind the product or service produced through the business. Take an International corporation like McDonald’s as an example. Several terms define them, such as fast food, Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, Ronald McDonald and the golden arches on their logo. This is an easily recognisable brand that is clearly defined as being a provider of food items for people on the go.

Branding Isn’t All About the Logo


Innovation is important when it comes to making a name for your business. To do this, you want to show consumers that what you have to offer is newer, better and essentially at a higher standard than other items in the same industry. To prove that your business is innovative, you will need to show visual comparisons or demonstrations regarding the old method from stand-by or industry standard products with your own. It must be clearly displayed why yours is more innovative, how it saves time, how it is more efficient and how it will save consumers money. A great way to show your company’s innovative abilities is to attend trade shows and provide multiple demonstrations while allowing consumers to try the product you have to offer.


In-person and online presence is a must. It is easy to get lost in the shadows of the corporate world, especially as a new brand or service. Work with affiliates to place adverts on their website and offer the same in return, but make sure it is another reputable brand. This is a great way to network to build the presence of your brand. When a brand becomes forgettable, its overall presence holds less weight among others of the same niche. This means that television adverts, print ads, social media presence and a website should all be in place.

Branding Isn’t All About the Logo

Focus on One Niche

If your brand offers too many services, it loses its definition. Focus on one niche and perfect what you have to offer. As you build a product line, ensure that everything ties in together. Offering a variety of products or services is fine, as long as the all coincide with each other. For example, a website design company that would also offer t-shirt making services is confusing. The company would either want to shift its focus to marketing the brand as a type of media or promotional material service would be better in this example.

Avoid Sub-Branding

Sub-branding comes into play when you offer one main service but then tell customers that you offer so many other services that are not involved with the main service. This is confusing. A great example of this would be a major department store that specializes in high-end clothing also offering facials or other beautification services. While this is good to do for promotional purposes on select occasions to attract more customers, it is not something that should be offered daily. Confusing consumers is not a good thing.

As you can see, there is much more to branding than just developing a logo. Everything that you do is a display of your brand. A positive reputation along with a positive presence is two of the most important elements to work on. Also work on the overall definition of your brand. Keep it simple and stay on a focused track with one niche at a time.

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1 comment

3 Vital Business Branding Ideas For New Entrepreneurs February 25, 2015 - 2:16 PM

[…] the perfect logo While branding isn’t all about the logo, it is an important element that will help consumers and other business owners to identify your […]

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