Home Entrepreneurship What are the Best Ways to Market Your Business on a Budget?

What are the Best Ways to Market Your Business on a Budget?

by Olufisayo
Best Ways to Market Your Business on a Budget

Your business lives or dies based on how well you market it. Small businesses often struggle to get the money together to market themselves effectively. It’s possible to market on a small budget, though.

It requires careful planning and a focus on a niche to do this successfully. When done correctly, it leads to steady growth and more customers.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the ways you can advertise yourself on a low budget.

Best Ways to Market Your Business on a Budget

The Normal

It’s not always a case of reinventing the wheel. There are low-cost options available for marketing. You can find advertising space, enhance your SEO, and become a sponsor.

For example, Virtual Global is a content marketing platform. They have special deals on offer for businesses that commit to long-term plans.

Finding good deals hinges on finding specialists. Search for marketing companies and opportunities designed for the small business.

Talk Costs Nothing

Social media costs nothing. Work on producing high-quality content that sells. It doesn’t require awesome writing skills. What you need is to understand what your customers respond to.

Infographics are one example of easily shareable content pieces. They have cropped up fairly recently, but they can bring in a lot of customers via social media.

What you have to remember is talk costs nothing. Social media networks do have paid advertising available, but you don’t need to use it. Create a buzz and look for ways to promote off your own back.

Tell People to Do Something

One of the biggest advertising mistakes businesses make is not telling people what they want. They act like they need to mask their true intentions.

Customers aren’t stupid. They know businesses are there to make money. They know they’re looking for more exposure.

Here are some of the free methods you can use to tell people what you want:

  • Implement sharing bars across all your web content. Make it easy for people to share your content.
  • Ask your paying customers directly to give you a ‘share’, a ‘like’, or a ‘comment’.
  • Link different goals. You tell people to sign up to your newsletter, but in your newsletter you can tell them to make an account on your website.

Choose Quality as Your Main Attraction

Self-promotion isn’t always about quantity. Boosting SEO used to be about throwing as many articles as you could around the Internet. Google turned this around.

What you can do on your budget should be done correctly. Spend more time on quality and get more from each action. It’s shocking just how many businesses don’t do this.

If you aren’t making the most of your budget, you’re wasting your time and your money.

Offline Marketing Methods

Take into account what you can do in an offline capacity. There’s a risk of ignoring your offline image. Sometimes, businesses can be accused of concentrating too much on the online environment.

There are lots of offline marketing methods you can utilize at relatively low prices.

Try to build a presence within your local community. Get an ad in the newspaper and put up posters. These are surprisingly cheap now that most people have moved over to marketing exclusively online.


There’s always a risk of overreaching as a business. On a low budget, target a very small niche and target them well. Overreaching carries the risk of diluting your advertising efforts.

Realize that successful marketing will always take time. You have to put the effort in and build everything up slowly. You don’t want to become a business that hits maximum popularity then disappears.

Targeting a niche tends to mean slower growth. It also represents more manageable and more sustainable growth, though.

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1 comment

Fantastic Relationship Between Online and Offline Marketing March 23, 2015 - 6:44 PM

[…] time to realise its importance once again. After all, the relationship between offline and online marketing is a beneficial […]

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