It is easy to think that entrepreneurs are born and that if you do not have that entrepreneurial gift, you will have no chance. After all, we can all think of examples of people who seemed to have risen effortlessly to success. However, this is likely to be deceptive as even the youngest entrepreneurs have put in a lot of hard work to get them to where they are. Instead, there are likely to be a lot of factors that contribute to the creation of a young entrepreneur, including the motivation that inspires them to keep trying and never give up.
Controlling their own destiny
Growing up, it can often feel like someone else is always in control, such as parents and teachers. The desire to control their own lives drives many young people. This can result in teenage rebellion and ‘going off the rails’, but for some, it inspires them to create a life where they can take control. In this instance, rather than seeking employment once they are adults, they instead want to own their own business where they call the shots. Beyond that, they want to be the ones who help create the future that awaits them.
Making a difference
It becomes clear that entrepreneurs are made rather than born when you consider their backgrounds and upbringing. Entrepreneurs often aren’t the lucky ones growing up in a privileged lifestyle, instead, they have often had to overcome considerable hardship and are only too aware of the problems in the world.
The desire to solve those problems, create ways to make the world and people’s lives better and to generally make a difference inspires many entrepreneurs. This may be in the form of tackling the climate crisis through green enterprises or bringing prosperity and opportunity to a particular area. A good example of the latter category is the story of Afghan-born business leader Ehsan Bayat, who left Afghanistan after the Russian invasion in 1980 but who always hoped to return to make a difference.
After the fall of the Taliban, he returned to establish several businesses, as well as the Bayat Foundation, which has improved maternity care and provides support for new mothers, orphan care, education, and an entrepreneurship program for widows, women, and youth to provide opportunities for Afghans today to prosper.
The thrill of the challenge
Many young entrepreneurs are drawn to entrepreneurship because they love a challenge. These young people are driven and motivated, always on the lookout for new ways to test themselves. This could lead them in many directions, such as into sports or academia, both paths that offer their own challenges. However, if coupled with some of the other motivations mentioned above, it can lead many into entrepreneurship. Conceiving, setting up, and managing an enterprise is full of challenges, with many hurdles to success and countless competitors. For young entrepreneurs, these problems to tackle are part of the attraction.
Young people look to the future more than any other group in society and are keen to help shape it. Their minds are brimming with ideas regarding what they would like to see in the future, and they are keen to do whatever it takes to bring those ideas to fruition. The desire to innovate can be a particular motivation for those whose entrepreneurial mindset is paired with creativity and imagination.
They will also be ready to embrace the innovations of others, keen to explore the latest developments in technology and science and use these developments to enhance their own innovations and ideas. Young entrepreneurs are keen learners, always interested in finding out more about the different ways they can develop their business ideas.
Like most people, young entrepreneurs are, in part, driven by the opinions of others. Initially, a young entrepreneur can be buoyed by the support and praise of their families and friends. However, the opportunity for recognition can go beyond the young entrepreneur’s immediate circle. They may be featured in the local or even national press. They may win business awards or be awarded bursaries to help them further grow their enterprise. There are also mentorships available, as experienced entrepreneurs have the necessary experience to teach their younger counterparts about achieving success in a competitive world.
Born or made?
Some of the characteristics that make an entrepreneur may be innate. Some people are born with an innovative streak or an interest in problem-solving, but this does not mean that you can only be an entrepreneur if you are born one. Instead, the opposite is true. Many aspects of a person’s upbringing can help fuel an entrepreneurial spirit, such as a desire to help others, to control your own destiny or to make a difference in a fast-changing world. Through a combination of personality traits, patience, and hard work, young people can be inspired to take their first steps toward an entrepreneurial career.
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash