There is some charm and pride attached with living in an old, historic house. It is like being physically in the past in a modern age. The residents of such house see and experience old building materials used in construction as well as enjoy the charm of old architecture – especially if the house is up to 70 years. However, living in such houses comes with some challenges, and chief among this is the cost of maintaining the house for standard and safety.
You can always #FixYourOwnHome if you are skilled in building repairs, but it is always best to hire renovation experts if you are not certain of what to do. Residents of old buildings usually know what the damage is, but they lack the technical skills to carry out the necessary repairs. Here then are the residential dangers that come with occupying an old house and how to hire Certas Energy experts to ensure safety and standard:
Roof damage and deterioration
If you find out that a part of your roof is damaged or blown away, it is best to repair it immediately to prevent further harm. When roofs are damaged or missing, it makes rainwater to get into the loft and attic, causing buildup of water and moisture and mould in the house. In some cases, deteriorated roofs damage the gutters taking away rainwater from the roof – making water to leak into the house. You may personally use roof sealant to seal off the leaky part of the roof if it is small, but in the case of serious damage or deterioration, it is best to hire repair experts to help.
Bad HVAC and gas boiler
Old and historic houses usually have old and outdated HVAC systems – if they ever do. If they are still working, they will be inefficient – not to consider the impact the continued use of such old appliances has on climate change. Apart from this, bad HVAC and gas boilers raise the electricity bills significantly even when they don’t provide as much warmth. The best way to deal with this is to remove sludge from the pipe so that the boiler can properly heat up your radiator, or alternatively get a licensed technician to take a look at the gas boiler or HVAC system.
Mould infestation
A mould is a fungus that grows in damp corners of houses and on decaying matter. Mould infestation can be difficult to contain or control considering that a fungus is involved. It grows in damp places such as bathrooms, kitchens and stores among other places where moisture is usually present. To make matters worse, mould grows and spreads very quickly and gives off an unpleasant odour. For small areas of mould, you can use a specially designed mould spray or abrasive sponge to remove them. But it is best hire professional mould removers if the infestation is large and significant.
Defective plumbing system
Every house has a plumbing system, some runs underground and some above the ground and around the house. Plumbing may also run along floors and walls, carrying water and sewage. If you happen to notice water marks on the ceilings, walls and floors of your house, then it means your plumbing is damaged somewhere and leaking water. If your toilet refuses to flush out waste then the plumbing is blocked somewhere, and if you have to wait hours for a bucket of water at the tap then it means your water pressure is very low. Unless you know what you are doing, it is best to call plumbing experts to handle any of these problems.
Inefficient insulation
If your home does not get warm enough or there are reverberating sounds at everything you do, then it means your insulation is either bad or non-existent. Largely speaking, this is not something you can do yourself since insulation has to be underneath floorboards, in lofts and in walls. You must contact licensed technicians to help you out without delay.
Electricity wiring problems
Electrical problems could pose serious dangers in the house. They can cause electric shocks, fire hazards, lack of heating, damaged electronics and appliances, and generally brings everything to a standstill in the house. With flickering light bulbs, sparking power sockets, blown fuse, and buzzing outlets, electrical problems are best managed immediately they occur. Somewhere, faulty wiring is responsible for the problem – and unless you are an expert electrician, you must call one for help. Licensed and skilled electricians will trace the wiring and carry out thorough inspection to know what is wrong before repairing or correcting the electrical problem once and for all.
Leaking heating oil tank
Do you have a boiler that runs on heating oil? If it is malfunctioning and leaking oil, then the seams and valves in the casing may be causing the leak. You can patch it up to stop the oil leakage or even replace the old oil tank if you can do it yourself; if not, you must contact a specialist to inspect it and carry out the necessary repairs.
Asbestos is a fibrous material used for insulating ceilings and walls and to make fireproof materials in time past. Most homes around the world have asbestos ceilings. But recent findings reveal it is the cause of asbestosis or lung cancer and its use has been banned in the UK and the U.S. among other countries. Most houses built before year 2000 still have it in the UK. It is not wise to live in a house with asbestos considering the fibrous material can float in the air if disturbed and be inhaled, causing lung cancer. It is not advisable for anyone to remove asbestos from his home; it is best to enlist the help of professional technicians and home renovators for this task.
Window frames permitting air drafts
If your monthly power bill is getting higher without any corresponding use of electrical appliances, then your windows might be to blame. If your window frames cannot keep indoor air in or outdoor air out, then there is a chance heating leaves the house through spaces in the window, leading to higher utility bills. You may reseal your window frames to keep out the drafts of air, but the best solution is to invite experts to replace the windows with energy-efficient models.
Lead paint
Lead paint is bad for your health, incidentally it was used to paint most houses built before the 1970s. It was used to paint windows and doors and even radiators. But when it is coming off and inhaled, it endangers the health of the individual and maybe entire families. A temporary solution might be laying another layer of modern paint on the old lead paint. The best solution however is hiring renovation experts to apply solvent to entirely remove the paint for a healthier family life.
You can #FixYourOwnHome and enjoy living in an old and historic building if you use Certas Energy technicians to help make the house safer and more standardized.