Digital assets are an integral part of your marketing activity. Period. If you are producing branded marketing material at scale then having a secure and organized repository of your company’s digital assets is quite simply a must.
Remember storage is not management, and DAM tools are not merely a replacement for the public drive – they offer so much more, read on to find out what a Digital Asset Management tool could do for your company…
Promote collaboration and productivity
How much time do you waste looking for a file a colleague sent you a few weeks ago? Have you ever seen a new piece of company material be produced only to realize it is not using the latest approved company imagery? If these are the kind of scenarios that you are familiar with then you should strongly consider using DAM software.
Large companies often have multiple stakeholders who need access to company assets, such as employees, customers or suppliers, which is why it makes perfect sense to house these within one central piece of software. If you are having trouble finding a file, then others will be having the same issues too, and collectively that is a lot of unnecessary wasted time.
Keeping your digital assets secure is a must to avoid having them compromised by nefarious outside sources that could cost the company reputational (as well as financial) damage.
You might not think your company banners, images, and photos are the most sensitive of data but that does not take into account what could happen if they got into the wrong hands.
Consider a scenario whereby upcoming market-sensitive price reductions were contained within a large retailer’s branded assets, which then found their way into the hands of their greatest online rival? Not an ideal situation.
By monitoring the usage of your company assets such as the number of downloads, you can then start to calculate the relative value of each one (or group).
For example, if you are producing an internal document and are looking to entice other colleagues within your company to download it, you can start to measure which assets have generated the most downloads. From then on you can then refine your asset creation based on the results of assets that have been used previously.
If your company is going through a process of rebranding, it’s vital that everyone within the business can access updated sales material and/or company assets quickly.
Moreover having a DAM system in place means there are no reasons (or excuses) why anyone within the company should be using outdated material in any promotion or communication with customers, suppliers, or other stakeholders.
Consistency is vital, and without a Digital Asset Management tool in place, you could find redundant or out of date assets are still being used inadvertently.