Have you thought about starting a business this year? If so, you will no doubt be thinking of your plans for global domination! Of course, every enterprise has to start small. Many of today’s wealthiest entrepreneurs started their businesses from their homes, for example.
If you’re working for a living, it’s likely you might not have a lot of cash to invest in a new business idea. But, you shouldn’t let that deter you from achieving your goals!
In today’s blog post, I will share with you some easy ways to start a new business.
Start your business from your bedroom or garage
You don’t need to have impressive offices and a large factory to start a company. In fact, you don’t even need any dedicated premises! As I mentioned a moment ago, some of the world’s most success people in business started up from home.
There are many benefits of following that approach. For a start, you don’t need to commute far each morning to start work! You’ll also save on operational costs. And it’s flexible too, so you can fit your business around your family life.
Choose the most tax-efficient way to start your business
Many people assume that they have to register as self-employed people for tax purposes. But, did you know that there are better ways to be tax-efficient? It’s often the case that incorporating a company can lower your tax liabilities. In fact, it’s also likely you’ll pay less tax doing that than going down the self-employed route!
It’s worth speaking to an accountant to find out which options are best for your situation.
Make things
One way to make a profit for little outlay is by making things at home. There are hundreds of things you can create and sell to consumers. And you can also sell many handmade items on sites like Etsy and eBay, for example.
The things you make could be things like craft products, metalwork and more! You might not realize it, but there’s a huge demand for handmade items out there. You could use the opportunity to fill a gap in the market and create a lucrative enterprise!
Set up a franchised service business
Do you want to set up a service business? If so, you’ll have to spend time and money to get your brand to the market. An easier way to set up a service business is to go down the franchise route!
For instance, let’s say that you want to set up a painting and decorating business. You might wish to set up a CertaPro franchise as they are well-known, and a trusted brand. Plus, you’ll have all the support you need to get started.
Offer computer-based services
Thanks to the Internet, there are scores of ways to earn a living from your computer. You could design websites for a living, or turn your hand to graphic design. If your written language skills are good, you could become a copywriter or translator.
Your startup costs will be low because you don’t need anything other than what you’ve got now.
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[…] Starting a business doesn’t have to be expensive, and it can pay dividends for years down the line. […]
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