Home Marketing Essential Sales Communication Skills

Essential Sales Communication Skills

by Olufisayo
Sales Communication Skills

This is an important aspect of managerial skills. When selling, you communicate to prospective clients something about yourself and the product or service you are selling.

This process can be viewed as a series of steps, and each step involves a higher level of communication.

Step 1: approach the prospective customer and introduce yourself and your company
Step 2: specify your reason for approaching the prospective customer
Step 3: show or describe the product/service you are selling
Step 4: demonstrate how the product/service will benefit the prospective customer
Step 5: negotiate the terms and conditions of the sale
Step 6: ask the prospective customer to make a decision regarding the purchase of the product/services.
Step 7: once customers do start to buy your product or service, develop strategies to help you to keep your customers.

One research study has indicated that it costs 10 times as much to attract a new customer than it does to keep an old customer.

Like effective communication, selling is a two-way process. You have to be good at asking questions and being an active listener to understand customer needs and interests.

You have to adapt your message and communication system to the personality and buying motives of the prospective customer. Through effective communication, you build a relationship with the customer based on trust and confidence; this forms the foundation for the present sale transaction and for future sales as well.

Improving Time Management Skills

Time is a unique human resource. And good time management skill is vital in implementing an entrepreneur’s goals and ideas. Everyone has the same amount of time. A large portion of time IS taken up by daily activities like eating, sleeping, school, work, hygiene, among others.

The remaining is spent on recreational activities and special interests that provide satisfaction. Time management is similar to having good work habits. Making the best use of time simply means achieving the maximum output in the time available. There are several ways in which this can be done.

Identify Specific Daily Goals

Make sure you understand what you want to accomplish each day. Before arriving, or as soon as you get to work, list your work goals in order of importance. Start working on your most important goal first, setting aside all other work until this has been achieved. Don’t let outside influences stop you from accomplishing your goal.

Major goals may require total concentration: try to work on your own until the goal is achieved. Avoid interruptions and distractions. Your office routine should be established so that it can operate without you. If your concentration is constantly interrupted by office matters, changes are needed in your office routine.


Entrepreneurs are usually highly motivated individuals who seem to enjoy work regardless of what they do. Most people are able to accomplish goals that are similar to what they want to do. However, entrepreneurs are able to motivate themselves to produce high output in the work they have to do.

Establish deadlines

More work can be done if you set specific deadlines to achieve certain tasks. But make sure that the deadliness is realistic. Once they are set, you should do everything possible to meet the deadlines.

Use the telephone

The telephone/cell phone is the main communication link between you ad your working world. Letters are sometimes necessary, but keep them to a minimum. Problems can be solved more quickly by using the telephone/cell phone. A letter provides only one-way communication while a telephone conversation is two-way communication.

Take notes

keep a notepad handy at all times. Writing down key points provides a permanent record of committee meetings, telephone conversations, discussions with staff or business clients, or simply your own thoughts. Record thoughts and ideas and jot down such things as future appointments, things to do, names, and telephone numbers.

Don’t do everything

An old saying is: “If you want something done, have a busy person do it.” Entrepreneurs are busy, but their actions are purposeful. They concentrate only on important activities. By being goal-oriented, entrepreneurs do those activities which lead to significant results.

Be selective in work activities; try not to do everything at once. Learn to say “no” to time-consuming activities not directly connected with priority goals.

Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels

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Sealey Aldred November 17, 2011 - 1:13 PM

Communication is the very essential aspect for managerial skills. The above given article specifies self motivating techniques and managerial improvement facts.

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