Home Business Choosing the Right Office Space for Your Business

Choosing the Right Office Space for Your Business

by Olufisayo
Choosing the Right Office Space

There are numerous factors to consider when it comes to settling down in an office space that’s right for your company needs. Whether you need something in a busy, or up and coming part of town, or you’re looking for something with a little extra space – the office you choose can have a huge impact on your business.

Where Do You Start?

The focal point of your office search should be more about how your business works and what it needs than the space itself. Fully understanding what it is you do in your business, what you need for it to grow successfully, and where you see the company in the future will all be deciding factors for a work space.

Choosing the Right Office Space

Here are a few things that need to be taken into consideration:

  • Space
  • Company Needs
  • Personality
  • Growth Options

Knowing what your company is, and what it needs to grow and prosper is an important place to start. From here on, you can then find something independently, or you can use the expertise of a commercial property consultant to help you.


Space needs are a major factor for finding the right office space. You should consider social spaces, as well as personal space for you and your employees. Not only that, but surrounding public spaces as well.

Here are some questions you should know the answers to before you can know how much space your company really needs:

  • Do you need a large meeting room?
  • How many employees do you have?
  • How much space will each employee need?
  • Open plan? Or Individual offices?
  • Do you want a public waiting room/sitting area?

Once you know the answers to these questions, you can be better equipped to push forward with your move.

Personality and Company Needs

Understanding the underlying needs of your company will also make finding the perfect location easier. For example, if your company has frequent visitors to it, having an easy-to-locate office space will be helpful.

Style and personality will also be a major deciding point for a work space. Find a building, or an area of the city that reflects your business’ style. Modern or contemporary and tech savvy? Classic and personal? Find your style to find an office space that reflects your personality.

Growing Pains

No matter what space you choose, you want to be certain there is room for growth. Whether that means physically being able to have space for more people down the line, or choosing a flexible arrangement – consider this in your plans.

Securing the Perfect Office

In knowing the style of the space you want, considering location and personality as well as anticipating room for growth, you can be sure you’re further forward in securing your ideal space.

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1 comment

Erika Brady May 16, 2019 - 1:33 AM

I’m glad that you mention how it’s important to consider how large you need the office to be so that you and your employees have the right amount of personal space. Knowing the space and other options would be useful to know so you can then check local rental offices. Checking rental options could help you find something that fits your requirements and budget so your business can run efficiently.

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