Do you have a favorite recipe that’s been passed down throughout your family? Maybe you’ve just discovered your own recipe for a twist on a well-loved classic. Whatever the case may be, you’ve started considering selling your own food product.
However, as good as grandma’s chicken parmesan recipe is, you won’t make money off of it if you don’t market it properly. There’s a lot of money to be made in the food industry if you know how to market a food product the right way. Once you’ve got your marketing techniques down, the quality of the food product will then take over for you.
Venturing out on your own into the food industry can be a bit scary, but with us by your side, you’ll be feeding thousands of customers leaving their stomachs full and happy. Are you ready to get your new food product on the shelves? Continue reading below for 6 amazing selling tips for your own food product!
1. Bring Brand Awareness
You want to bring awareness to your food brand. Without brand awareness, no one will want to buy your product. For example, when you head out to the grocery store, think of the food products that you buy yourself?
When a new brand of your favorite product hits the shelves, do you place it in your cart or do you continue to purchase the same brand that you always have? Most likely, you do the latter. You might not even notice new brands hitting the shelves because you’re so used to grabbing what you always get and heading down the next aisle.
This is why you need brand awareness. Make people aware of your brand and what makes you stand out from the competition. If they’re familiar with your brand, then they’re more likely to make the purchase.
Turn to social media, conduct surveys, or take polls to gain this awareness.
2. Learn Consumer Preferences
When gaining this awareness, you also want to focus on consumer preferences. It’s one thing to get someone’s attention, but it’s a whole other thing to keep it. Learn what your consumer preferences are and highlight those aspects of your product.
You can learn these preferences by conducting surveys and taste testings. Find out what the consumer loves and doesn’t love about your product. How do they feel about the way it tastes, the packaging, or what your product stands for?
For example, many people believe in going green in as many ways possible. This is a great way to keep your consumers’ attention. If you’re using recyclable packaging and make your products using sustainable processing, then this is something to brag about.
3. Think About the Packaging
Your next task is to think about the packaging. Your food product’s packaging is one of the very first impressions that the consumers will get from your brand. Make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing, easy to read, and conveys the message that you want to give.
Keep in mind that your product is going on the shelves with several other products in competition with it. You’ll need your packaging to stand out from the others and catch the consumers’ eyes. Once you have a better understanding of who your target consumer is, you can focus the packaging on that.
For example, if you target consumer is mothers with small children, then you should create a product with packaging that speaks out to mothers. Snack marketing is one way to ensure that your products are packaged with creativity and uniqueness.
4. Offer Valuable Products
Be sure to offer valuable products. The term “valuable products” doesn’t just mean a good price. Food products with value are products that offer value in the price, quality, and quantity.
For example, how many times have you gone down the chip aisle and hunted around for the bag of chips that had the least amount of dead space in it? It’s frustrating buying a large bag of chips when more than half of the bag is filled with air and the rest is the product.
If you can offer a product that is set at a competitive price, with high-quality food, and with more product in your packaging than the competition, then you’re off to a good start.
5. Know Who to Distribute to
Knowing your food product and consumer also means knowing who to distribute to. Sure, you want to hit up big-name grocery stores and warehouse stores, but don’t forget about your other options as well. If your product is one that targets young teenagers, then you might want to consider distributing your products to local convenient stores.
Think of all the places where your food product could easily be picked up and purchased and distribute there.
6. Have Knowledge of FDA Regulations
All food products have regulations that must be passed through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Before your food product can become store ready, you’ll need to check with the state and federal laws concerning your food product.
Not following the FDA guidelines given to you will result in many, if not all, stores denying your product.
We Hope You’ve Learned How to Market a Food Product!
After reading our 6 helpful tips listed above, we hope you now know how to market a food product! We want to see you succeed in your food industry ventures. Keeping these tips in mind when marketing your food product is the best way to ensure that you begin to see a profit!
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