Web hosting is a booming industry right now and you might want to be a part of it. You can create and develop a web hosting business under your own brand name and with your own conditions. The best way to start a web hosting business is through reseller hosting. Everyone who wants to create a website can be your client. If you intend to establish the web hosting server setup, then this process will take a lot of time and you will also have to invest a lot of money in it. Therefore, the best alternative is to set up your business through reseller hosting.
Through reseller hosting, you are leasing the server setup of an existing web hosting company. Now a day’s most of the web hosting companies offer white label reseller hosting packages that enable you to create your business website under your own brand name. Through a reseller hosting package, you will get sufficient hosting resources to create your business website.
What are the steps involved in starting your web hosting business through reseller hosting?
Register The Preferred Domain Name
Domain name is the unique identity of your business. It is important to have an impressive and catchy domain name that people can easily remember. Also, choosing the right domain name extension is very important. For example if you are based in UK, you can choose a domain name like webhostingprovider.co.uk instead of .com.
Brainstorm yourself with domain name ideas and take some time with this step because you are not going to register the domain name again and again. Once your domain name is finalized, you can register it from the same web hosting company from where you are going to purchase the reseller hosting package.
Choose The Right Reseller Hosting Plan
You will see that there are many web hosting companies that provide reseller hosting. Before you sign up with any web hosting company, make sure to check the plan specifications and prices. Compare many reseller hosting plans before making the final decision. Initially a basic reseller hosting package will be sufficient for you with 25 GB Web Space and 250 GB Bandwidth. You can start with the basic reseller hosting package and then upgrade the plan as per your business needs. Once your business increases, you can also opt for a high-end dedicated or cloud server.
Make sure to read the reviews of the web hosting company online and also check their social media updates; this will give you a fair idea about the reputation and client base of that web hosting company. You can also check for reseller hosting coupon codes online. You might get a discount on the original price of the package.
Start Planning Your Own Hosting Packages
Once you have registered the domain name and purchased the web hosting, your next step will be setting up your hosting website. Although, you can get the business website designed by a professional designer, you have to yourself think about the web hosting packages that you will be providing your clients. Check out the websites of the web hosting companies and plan your packages accordingly.
Try to make your web hosting packages different from the already existing web hosting companies. Step in the customer’s shoes and think about what will be needed the most in a web hosting package. Along with the general package specifications, make sure that you are also offering with some freebies and addons. You can offer addons like online marketing, Google Ad Words, website builder etc. for the convenience of the customers. Setting up the payment gateways is also an important aspect. Make sure that you are proving your customers with flexible payment options like PayPal, debit card, credit card, net banking etc.
Reseller hosting makes things easy for you and you can start your web hosting business within a short span of time. You can rely on the web hosting company for providing support for your issues and your customer issues. Once your web hosting business website is ready, you can go ahead and promote it and establish your web hosting business.