The pandemic has been incredibly tough on a lot of people, especially small and independent businesses that have had to shut down for long periods of time. Opening your store back up after a break might seem as daunting as it is exciting, especially with a public health issue to consider.
It is more important than ever to ensure you are providing a clean and safe atmosphere for your customers and any staff you employ. Some people may also be a bit tentative with regards to getting things back to normal and they will be on the lookout for any environment they feel is “high risk.”
It is not just about taking precautions for public health, it’s also about creating a welcoming environment that customers feel comfortable shopping in.
1. Get a credit card reader if you do not already have one. Many businesses encourage card payments over cash these days to help prevent the spread of coronavirus by handling banknotes, so chances are that your customers will be looking to continue this even in smaller, independently run stores.
And is important to give them the option not just for public health reasons but also to make their experience go more smoothly – lots of people do not even carry cash these days.
2. Offer hand sanitizer upon entry (and keep it topped up). Having the option to use hand sanitizer will make a lot of customers much more comfortable in the knowledge that you are taking the pandemic seriously and taking steps to ensure general cleanliness.
It is also important to keep the sanitizer topped up as nothing is more infuriating than going for a pump and finding that the bottle is empty! This might even encourage some customers to turn around and leave!
3. Start selling COVID related supplies. By this I mean face masks, hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes – all these things are in high demand and simply putting a small display by the cash register can provide an extra source of profit.
4. Wear a mask! Not everyone is crazy about having to wear masks when out in public, and you may be reluctant to try and enforce this on potential customers but ensuring that you and your staff take this precaution sends the message that you care about the health of the public.
An important gesture as an employer would be to offer your staff complimentary masks rather than expecting them to always buy their own. We realize that not everyone can wear a face mask due to medical exceptions, but that makes it all the more important for that those of us who can take extra care.
5. Space things out. If you have a small store, it might be difficult to make enough space for your customers to remain 6 feet apart but try and clear as much room as possible.
Having tightly packed displays will force people to get close to each other, closer than many be comfortable with due to the current situation so try and ease any anxiety by making more space for them to browse comfortably.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels
1 comment
I loved the part about wearing a mask! so true
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