Home Business 4 Instagram Strategies for SaaS Businesses

4 Instagram Strategies for SaaS Businesses

by Olufisayo
Instagram Strategies for SaaS Businesses

Social media is probably the most powerful marketing channel at the moment. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are used by billions of users every single day and this makes them the perfect place to engage with people online.

Moreover, the ability to use paid ads and hashtags with numerous demographical options allows you to target the exact audience you want.

If you want to promote your SaaS business, Instagram may not be your first choice. However, with the right strategy, you can use this platform as an invaluable aspect of your social media presence.

Go with Instagram Stories

If you want to attract Instagram users that follow back, you need to check your competitors’ followers, try to connect with people you’re already connected with on other social media networks, and use Instagram’s Search & Expose feature. In addition, you should give Instagram Stories a try.

Short-lived content is not as new as you may think, but it has become extremely popular in the last couple of years. People spend a lot of time watching this type of content for a simple reason – it creates a sense of urgency. As a matter of fact, Instagram Stories have over 500 million users.

If you opt for Stories, you can use locations or brand hashtags to connect to a wider audience. Also, it would be smart for a SaaS company to create Instagram Story Highlights albums. Here, you can keep important information about your services, company, as well as people behind your brand below your bio section.

Run contests

There are so many ways for your business to get noticed on Instagram. However, one of the best ways to do it is to organize a contest.

People love to win. And people will want to participate in the contest if it is easy to join. When you include a customized hashtag in your contests, it raises awareness for your brand, helping you reach your audience and potential customers.

Still, you need to be careful with contests. Don’t think an Apple Watch will do the trick. After all, there are so many people who want this gadget, even those who aren’t interested in your product.

Instead of giving away such a general gift, you should make your product the prize. Alternatively, you can pick something that closely aligns with your brand. This will automatically result in a more specific group of Instagram followers who will want to participate in your contests.

Don’t forget offline events

Anyone who is in the SaaS industry shouldn’t ignore offline marketing. People go to offline events to listen to industry leaders, learn about services and products, as well as to find solutions to their challenges. And that’s why so many SaaS companies organize or participate in offline events where they can show expertise, promote their service, and reach new customers.

For anyone who wants to improve their online brand visibility, they should try to turn event attendees into followers. Moreover, adding a hashtag or geotag can help to spread the word about offline events you’re participating in.

With a geotag and hashtag, you help your potential attendees learn more about your service and find your business on Instagram. And to show your Instagram followers that you regularly participate in offline events, make a separate Story Highlights album where you can include all Instagram Stories that are dedicated to those events.

Take advantage of Instagram Ads

Finally, we should discuss Instagram ads.

There are multiple Instagram ad types:

  • Here, users swipe through several images and/or videos.
  • These ads let Instagram users buy directly from the ad.
  • It shows up in the user’s feed as one photo.
  • They appear in between stories. Users can swipe them and they’ll be directly taken to a link you have previously chosen.
  • Similar to photos, video ads are shown as a single video in users’ feeds.

Keep in mind that each ad can be tailored to an audience you choose. This allows you to customize your Instagram ads, increasing your chance to convert your followers into customers.


Creating an engaged community around your brand boils down to sharing original stories and genuine content about your business. You can choose from Instagram’s many content formats to optimize engagement. Thanks to this platform’s numerous creative features, you can publish your content for a limited time, post it in real-time, or keep some of your posts in your feed permanently.

You can show you’re highly involved within your industry if you implement the right content strategy and planning. This will help you outperform other SaaS businesses that still haven’t discovered all the benefits of using Instagram in this industry.

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

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