The AI world is a huge field that requires study and new ideas from scientists. Theneurosphere is a startup that was able to implement its idea in the SYPWAI project. The slogan of the company is “Solve your problem with AI”. And, indeed, it is so.
Today, many problems of large companies can be solved using artificial intelligence, which will analyze the data, put it together and provide you with an accurate result.
AI training
In addition to solving problems, the SYPWAI project also offers its users an opportunity to earn money. The main idea of the project, according to Theneurosphere scientists, is to help people. They managed to give the world an innovative project, and also let people receive a financial reward.
Some have already tried working in artificial intelligence programs and said it was simple and a little monotonous. Tasks are somewhat similar to a children’s game in which you need to guess which animal or object is shown in the picture. These can be simple images, familiar to everyone, or field-specific tasks, for example, various models of cars.
Theneurosphere developers found this way of working to be a great idea. Indeed, thanks to the activities of users, AI develops effectively, and they, in turn, can earn money by performing the simplest tasks.
Scientists consider it a real success that people can get paid to complete a task that does not require specific knowledge and skills. The tasks have two types of markup. The first type engages people who do not have any special skills, and the second type engages those with specific knowledge. Tasks to be completed will appear based on the request and wishes of the user.
Average earnings per day could be $4-5, reaching $400 a month. The thing is anyone can train a neural network, a child, an adult, a professor, or an ordinary housewife.
Theneurosphere has been working with artificial intelligence for a long time. During this time, a big problem has been identified: many companies do not single out data science as a separate branch, which allows for using the capabilities of a neural network.
The artificial intelligence market is still rather weak, and there are no large companies or corporations in it. Theneurosphere developers want to recreate a type of collaboration with users that will benefit them, the company, and the world.
The founders of the SYPWAI project report that the platform needs hundreds of thousands more people to train the neural network. And only in this case, and with their help, it will be possible to create something great, which will be useful for the company in every industry and for any person on our planet.
More and more corporations are turning to the laboratory with the request to introduce artificial intelligence in their business. As a rule, each company has its own specifics of work, and that is why a human hand is required to customize it.
A group of scientists from Theneurosphere is fulfilling its main idea and dream – helping the world, and it will be able to leave a mark in history and be remembered forever.