Each year there are millions of non-fatal workplace injuries. Even when you do your best to stay safe, it may not be enough to avoid injury.
Continuing to learn best practices and safety in the workplace tips will allow you to stay on top of the latest information and advancements in safety. If you don’t pay attention to advancement, you and your workers may experience injuries that are avoidable.
Continue reading this article to learn the best tips for being safe in the workplace.
1. Analyze Your Job Safety
Before you can start working on making your workplace safer, you need to analyze how things are going already.
You can use different methods to figure out what your current safety situation is, and you can read more about it here. If you don’t know where you are, you won’t be able to make progress by working on the areas that are lacking and showcasing the areas where you’re winning.
2. Receive Proper Training
Making sure you and everyone at your company have proper training is one of the most important parts of safety. If everyone understands their jobs and the parts of their job that are potentially problematic and hazardous, it is less likely that there are going to be accidents.
If someone isn’t familiar with certain equipment or processes, do not allow them to try to teach themselves. DIY learning in the workplace can be very dangerous and even deadly.
3. Wear the Right Clothing
Pay attention to the area where you’re going to be working and make sure your clothing is as it should be. If you fail to wear clothing that is safe for the area where you’re working, you could be burned or experience allergic reactions depending on what you’re working with.
Make sure to ask about the dress code before you work in any new areas to keep yourself and any employees safe.
4. Be Careful When Lifting
Improper lifting can cause serious back problems. Even if you feel like you have enough strength to pick something up, make sure you know how to lift properly before you try.
If the object you’re lifting is over 50 lbs, you should never try to lift it on your own. Use machinery to lift things that are too heavy for you to lift with your body. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and refuse to lift things that are too heavy for you.
5. Know and Follow Industry Standards
Every industry has standards for how to work with various things, whether it’s hazardous material or something else. Find out what those standards are and make sure you’re paying attention to them, so you aren’t hurt unnecessarily.
6. Pay Attention to Warning Signs
Even if you think you know what is going on, if you see a warning sign, make sure to read it. There could be something that has recently been added to the warning sign that is important that you know, or you may have forgotten a specific detail that was part of the warning.
7. Keep Eyes & Ears Covered
While earplugs and safety glasses might not be the most fashionable choices, you need to keep your eyes and ears covered. Failing to cover your eyes and ears means leaving two of the most vulnerable parts of your body open to injuries.
Hazardous materials and loud noise don’t take long to hurt you, so when you’re in areas where it is dangerous, take the time to protect yourself.
8. Take Care of Injuries Right Away
If you hurt your back, smashed your finger, pulled a muscle, or any other problem, don’t try to deal with it later. You need to take care of the problem right away.
Failing to treat an injury right away can make the injury worse. It can also cause problems for the company and the employee when determining who is supposed to pay for the treatment of the injury and how.
9. Know How to Use an Eyewash Station
If you’re in an area where something can get in your eyes, you should know how to use an eyewash station in case something gets past your safety glasses.
If you get something in your eyes, quickly go to the eyewash station, hold your eyes open, and roll them around to wash your eyes. Do this for a full fifteen minutes and then immediately seek medical attention to get your eyes taken care of to make sure you don’t lose your sight.
10. Don’t Forget About Ergonomics
Ergonomics means adjusting the job to fit the needs of the body. Whether you’re sitting at a computer or working on your feet all day at a factory, you need to make sure your equipment is set up in a way that isn’t going to cause problems with your body.
The height of your keyboard can affect how your shoulder, back, and neck feel, and the same goes for any other workstations if you’re at a factory or working in any other type of work environment.
Lifesaver Safety in the Workplace Tips for the Win
Now you know some of the best safety in the workplace tips and can avoid many common problems.
Do you want to learn more things to help you stay safe and keep your employees on track in their jobs? Our site is full of articles that can help you as you’re working toward employee safety and growth in your business.
Continue reading through our blog to learn important information and get the help you need.