Is your business start-up venture seeking ways in which your products and services can be marketed to the masses? Whilst your first port of call will most likely be social media platforms, advertising campaigns, and mailing lists; one incredibly effective advertising medium that you may overlook could be a trade show.
The effectiveness of trade shows and benefits of trade shows should not be overlooked. Trade shows are events where a collection of businesses with interests in the same industry come together to showcase their respective goods and services to potential clients, and to network with other businesses.
In order to aid you in standing out from the crowd, we have put together 4 points that any trade show goer should abide by.
1. Grab People’s Attention
The importance of grabbing people’s attention at trade shows should speak for itself; if you have no one coming to your stall, you’re not going to have a successful experience. In order to help your stall stand out from the rest, invest in some good signage. Many display companies offer eco-friendly, biodegradable and recyclable banners, printing and large pavement signs, which are well worth investing in if you care about the environment. These are a great alternative to PVC banners and are very durable. Not only will this help get you attract attention, it is also a great way of marketing your product, as well as doing so in a fashion that is environmentally friendly.
2. Dress to Impress
In the same way that how you present your stall is crucial in making a good first impression, so too is the way in which you present yourself. Dress in professional attire when attending a trade show. Doing so will send the message to consumers that you are in control and confident in your product.
3. Be Friendly
In addition to a snappy dress sense and an exciting stall front, a personality that is both friendly and approachable also goes along way when it comes to attracting customers and making sales. Have your stall represented by team members who embody these qualities. This will have the effect of casting your business in a positive light, and make customers more open to the idea of purchasing your product.
4. Set Goals
It goes without saying that your businesses primary objective at a trade show should be making new business contacts and generating sales. To ensure that this objective is reached, it is crucial that you create a list of tasks that will guide you towards reaching this goal. Business cards, raffles, and a target number of how many people you would like to talk to, are all good examples of such tasks.
Having absorbed these tips, the only thing left to do is seek out a trade show that suits your industry! To help with this process, try using sites like Trade Show Adviser to find shows in your niche.