Home Marketing The Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Business News Online

The Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Business News Online

by Olufisayo
Online Business News Promotion

The most important thing to remember when promoting your business news is that it will be read by potential customers. It must never be confused with search engine optimisation (SEO) which is designed to appeal solely to search engines to guide traffic to your website.

Business news relevant to your organisation is simply to promote your business to actual human beings.

Make Yourself an Expert

If you can become an expert on a particular topic by researching and writing articles then you canestablish yourself as an expert online. Once you’re known as an expert then you can sit back and wait for reporters to contact you and cite you as an expert in their own articles. These will no doubt be placed online and they are obliged to link to your articles as a source.

Online Business News Promotion

Get in Touch with Reporters

Let reporters know that you have special expert knowledge on your specific topic. Look out for email addresses or contact details listed on websites and blogs and get in touch with the reporters or editors telling them about your specialist subject.

Make sure you emphasise your specific knowledge. You might be a solicitor with legions of industrial contacts or a dentist with an amazing understanding of a certain kind of gum disease. Once you’re cited in articles, make sure that your business name is mentioned and try to get them to include a link to your website in the article too.

Fabricate a News Event

The best way of getting covered by a reporter is to create an event that is worth writing about. Reporters won’t admit to this, but there is usually absolutely nothing noteworthy going on so more often than not they’re scrabbling around looking for something to cover.

Businesses can do well by taking advantage of this and fabricating an ‘event’ that will get people talking and reporters reporting on a day that news might be slow, Saturday for example.

If you’re that dentist with the inside knowledge on gum disease then why not offer free treatment for a day? To children. Now we’re talking.

Blogs and websites will be eager to get photographs and footage of cute kids with the friendly dentist.
Be the dentist who cares.

Send Out Press Releases

Any time something new or interesting happens at your business, consider circulating a press release to various online media outlets. If you’re lucky and include a good enough image, you might be picked up by a reporter and placed in a newspaper. You could be used as a ‘source’ for an article too.

If you’re on the lookout for an Online PR Agency, you should check out PR Fire to distribute your business news effectively online.

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Aja November 7, 2012 - 9:53 AM

Nice tips. Yes it work but apart from that you have to do lot of work to promote business news. As you have to increase it visibility online. These tips mention here is also a part of that.

Oshadami MJ April 4, 2013 - 7:17 PM

Promoting business online is not that easy, for me the most non cost effective way is organic search engine results, people will find your business through search results, millions of people use search engines daily.

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